Toiling Midgets - 4 Track Mind (IMP084)

300 copies on LTD Edition Green Transparent Vinyl.
Toiling Midgets – Four Track Mind (A Retrospective Of Home Recordings, 1980-1983)
Legendary recordings by Toiling Midgets, first time on vinyl.
The Toiling Midgets spawned from congress between the Sleepers and Negative Trend, two of the Bay Area’s most avowedly confrontational hardcore bands. Congruous to Flipper (two of whose founders played in Negative Trend), the new quintet boiled its songs down to their most primary elements, reassembling them if the mood struck but often allowing guitar solos to writhe somewhere in the middle distance as a disconnected rhythm cut in and out.
releases December 1, 2023
Recorded between 1980-83. Tracks 1-6 recorded on 4 track. Track 7 recorded on Paul's boombox and assembled on 4 track. Originally released on cassette in 1983 by Mogul Home recordings.
Ricky Williams - vocals
Craig Gray - acoustic/electric guitar, synth, percussion
Paul Hood - electric guitar, bass, vocals
Aaron Gregory - drum machine, synth, bass, engineer
David Paul - synth, processing, engineer
Tom Mallon - mix